All abord the fail train! choo choo! Welcome to my own personal failblog. It's only been, uhhmm... 2 months? Less? Sigh. Follow through was never my forte, but as I've always said we must go forward, not backward. Upward, not forward. And always twirling, twirling toward freedom.
Here's part of the reason I quit: I spent two days trying to think of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on my life, and apparently there is nobody/nothing. So... I'm going to go ahead and say Bollywood!
Sometime in 2006 or 2007, my sister-in-law introduced us all to Bride and Prejudice. I had vaguely heard of Bollywood before this, but this movie was so fun and adorable, I decided I probably should try a real full-fledged Bollywood movie. I randomly chose one off the internet, and miraculously it was wonderful. Luckily I didn't choose one of the many I have since seen and disliked. Kuch Naa Kaho started it all. I now am in a wild love affair with all things India, and it even inspired my choice for my minor: Asian Studies. It opened the doors for my love of the Middle East, as well as the prominent religions of that area. Thank goodness for Bollywood. What would I have done without it?
Edit: I refuse to edit the title to make it say "you" instead of "yo."
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