So I want to blog, but as I have no idea what to blog about, I will swipe an idea from a dear
friend of mine and do a forced blog post each day for 30 days. She's at about day 23, and the time seems to have flown by, so I think this will be an achievable goal for me.
Day 1: A recent photo of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.
This is the most recent photo of me. I think I took it about a month ago. Mom was freaking out at me because I had sprayed my bangs with a hot pink spray and she is pretty sure that means I am moments away from piercing/ tattooing every inch of my skin. She is crazy, what can I say?
15 Interesting* Facts About Me
1- I can do the splits. That's right. Despite my generous girth, I am ridiculously flexible.
2- I love makeup and always have. I don't think it would be possible to have enough tubes of red lipstick. I would love to take some kind of special effects class so I can do all kinds of impressive things with makeup.
3-I have a degree in English, but I feel like I was never taught the basics - every teacher just assumed someone else had taught me. I'm not quite sure about a lot of things, such as: what IS a preposition, exactly?
4-I have absolutely no idea what to do with my life. Every avenue terrifies me... including the current 'do nothing' one.
5-I hate when the word literal is misused. Today I heard a radio ad for windows and the ad included the phrase, "Don't let your money literally fly out the window! Buy such and such windows today to keep the heat inside your house this winter." I literally yelled at the radio, "No! You mean figurative! You absolutely mean figurative! It is a metaphor!" If you misuse it I judge you and think you are dumb.
6-My family makes up my circle of friends. I have some great friends from high school who I, unfortunately, don't get to see very often. My extended family is who I spend all my time with. I love them dearly and can't wait for Christmasweek when everyone will be at my house all the time to play with me.
7-I have never ridden a bike. Not one without training wheels, anyway.
8-I hate going to sleep. I love to be asleep and I wish I went to bed at a reasonable hour, but for some reason I just HATE going to sleep. Sometimes it gives me a stomachache just thinking about it.
9-I do not do sad/upsetting endings. There are almost no exceptions to this rule. I quit "Bones" after season 3 with fury raging in my heart, I was angry at Neil Gaiman for his ending in The Graveyard Book, I only watch the first half of Four Daughters because the end is too distressing. One of my favorite movies is Meet Me In St. Louis because there is virtually no conflict in the whole show.
10-I belong to a different era. Movies were better in the 40s, clothing was better in the 40s, hair was better in the 40s, makeup was cuter in the 40s, boys knew how to dance in the 40s. Still, there are things to like about the time in which I live. I like technology quite a bit.
11-I am very clingy. About 80% of the time I spend with you, I am fighting to not hold onto you physically. I am often successful... but not always.
12- Second best compliment of my life: "Damn Girl! Your eyes are GORGEOUS!" First: "You look like the girlfriend of a mobster from way back when."
13-I can't think of anything I want more in this world than a matter transporter.
14- I have the sense of humor of a 12-year-old boy. I can't hear the word "duty" without laughing... as was made evident last week when dad said it during prayers.
15-I like being in big cities better than being just about anywhere else. I like the hustle. I like museums, I like concerts, I like the ballet. I have very classy taste. Except when it comes to television. Then I like the least classy thing available. Current favorites include: Jerseylicious, Cat Ladies, etc.
*Not guaranteed to be even vaguely interesting.